By determining where you want to go and expressing your goals in terms that can be measured, you have already made a lot of progress. You might thing you’re now ready to head out and begin the intellectual trip to student success. Consider the tools for studying
You’re ready. Preliminaries are out of the way. You’ve prepared and you’ve organized. Now its time to get started actually doing the work. In this consider the following:
•Effort is the causes of success
•Be response to your failures; when you do poorly don’t blame the teacher, text books, or job that keep away from studying.
•Think positively, assume that the strength that you have will allow you to succeed and that and if you have problems you can figure out what to do.
•Accept that you can’t control every thing; think things that can be changed and those can’t.
In this you should do an evaluation of your work, and after that you should do the following:
•Take a moment to congratulate yourself and feel some satisfaction. If you have done the work according to reach your goals or at least to the point of reaching goal just congratulate yourself.
•Compare what you’ve accomplished with the goals you’re seeking to achieve. Think back to the goals, both short-term and long-term that you are seeking to achieve.
•Evaluate what you’ve done if you were your current instructor. Now exchange body and mind again. This time, consider what you’re doing from the perspective of the instructor w ho gave you the assignment. How would he/she react to what you have done?
•Be fair to yourself; the guidelines for evaluation will help you to determine just how further work is necessary and, even more important, what work is important?
•Based on your evaluation, revise your work; if you’re honest with yourself it’s unlikely that your first work will satisfy you. So go back to work and revise to what you have done.
Rethink what you have accomplished earlier means to bring a fresh eye to what you have done. It involves critical thinking that involves reanalyzing, questioning and challenging our underlying assumptions.
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