How do you begin your day? Do you feel happy or depressed, energetic or washed out? Do you expect a good day, or do you think about your problems? The way you start your day, affects your moods and behavior, and therefore, how people relate to you. How you begin your day can make your day, or break your day. There are some things you can do to start a good day and keep it so. Your thoughts, your attitude, and your actions immediately after waking and getting up in the morning have a strong effect on your whole day. Here are 10 things to do to have a good day. You don’t have to follow all the 10 tips at once. If it is easier for you, choose only one or two, and gradually add more. Trying to implement all the 10 right away, might lead to inner resistance, which is not helpful. 1. Begin your preparations the day before. Go to sleep at a reasonable hour, so that you have enough hours of sleep. 2. After you lie down in your bed, don’t turn on the TV. Close your eyes, calm your body, and repeat several times the affirmation: “I am going to have a good night’s sleep, and I am going to wake up happy, refreshed and energetic.” Next, let your thoughts come and go, staying calm and relaxed, not thinking about anything in particular, and not fighting thoughts you do not want. Do so until you fall asleep. 3. Upon waking up in the morning, repeat the following affirmation several times: “Today, I am having a most wonderful, happy and productive day.” 4. Muster enough strength, and get up, sit on your bed a few seconds with a smile on your face, and then stand up. 5. After washing up, sit alone for at least 5-10 minutes to meditate. If you usually meditate, then do your usual mediation. If you have never meditated, just sit down on a chair with your back straight, with closed or opened eyes, as you wish. Calm your body, and then watch your thoughts, as they come and go. Just watch them with lack of interest, as if they do not belong to you. Don’t try to follow them, nor fight them. 6. If you have the time for exercising or walking in the morning that’s great, but if you don’t, do a few exercises for a few minutes. Any exercise will do. This will bring more oxygen into your lungs and energize your blood stream. 7. It is said the breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives you the strength and energy to start your day. Therefore, prepare yourself something to eat. If you don’t have the time, then wake up a few minutes earlier to prepare yourself a light meal. You will feel more energetic, and your head will work better, if you have breakfast in the morning. 8. Read a few inspiring quotes, before going out to work. It would be a good idea to prepare them the previous day. These could be any kind of quotes that inspire and motivate you. You can read different quotes every day, or you can repeat the same ones every day. 9. Be polite on the way to work. Smile and greet people, whom you know. Don’t try to ignore them or show them an unhappy face. 10. When you arrive at your place of work, and just before going in, repeat in your mind the following sentence: “I am happy and relaxed. Today is a wonderful and a most productive day.” These tips will make you feel better and happier, and become more positive and energetic. When you are happy, positive and in a good mood, you broadcast these vibrations around you, affecting other people and your environment accordingly. source:


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