"You may be surrounded by mud but if you are a diamond you are a diamond , you are bound to shine"-Geophrey A. Tenganamba,2011
Life is Greatest Gift of All. The world is the greatest college for a man to learn to live. This world has so many things to believe, to doubt, to confuse, to mistake, to correct, to live right and many others. It is for you to choose what to focus and believe. A Man is what he/she has accepted what to be. Even if his/her life may appear as if there is nothing great from him/her it does not mean that is what he/she was made for. There is greatness within each and every man.
Environment may lie about him/her, some external forces may even tell him/her otherwise but the truth is a man was made to be great. Not what is outside him/her but what is within him/her is a reason of his/her greatness. It is hard to believe this, because of what we have learned from external forces and what we see in our environment. Even if we don’t believe it,
the truth is THERE IS A GREATNESS IN EACH AND EVERY MAN. The way you see your world is the way you are and going to be. If you see inadequate, weakness, inferiority and incompleteness even if you are great within your world will be small, and that will be your price. Even if you are great within you will never experience greatness until you accept it as the truth to you.
I know that many people will be surprised because of what I am doing and what I will do world wide not because I don’t have that ability like Napoleon hill , it is because they think that I am from Tanzania the underdeveloped country, but tell them the truth I am powerful beyond measure and I am the world greatest. You may be surrounded by mud but if you are a diamond you are a diamond and you are bound to shine. Let it be remembered that a diamond in the mud even if It may appear dark because of the dirty mud it is still a diamond and can still shine because it is a diamond not mud. Wherever you are, whatever you are, whoever you are you are still a diamond, there is greatness within you. Also a dirty diamond with mud will remain to be dirty if nothing is done to make it shine .
You cannot be a star if you do not live there, you cannot be rich if you do not live there, you cannot own a big company if you do not live there, you cannot be executive if you live as donkey in the mud, live there where you want to be. Where you live is where you will be, where you don’t live you do not exist, live where you want to be, then your body will follow. Even if you live in the local places, offices, environment train your soul to live in greatness, in infinite possibilities. You may appear as if you are working with the local commission but you know that you don’t belong there you live beyond, you live global.
REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE A SOUL WITH PHYSICAL BEING NOT PHYSICAL BEING WITH A SOUL. THIS IS GREATNESS.Dont get too busy with mere living and forget your greatness, doing so is like being busy dying. We must be there to our greatness even if we are busy and the world is telling us opposite. To live to our greatness is to live to our true self. We were born to be great, and there is greatness in us but it is optional to prove our greatness as well.